Transcranial monitoring is a helpful extension in Doppler Sonography. This method allows the recording of the flow velocity, of changes in the flow velocity, and also of the characteristic profile of the intrinsic curve (pulsatility) over a longer period. It can thus provide the user with valuable information.
This answers the desire for a non-invasive, continuous recording method to measure cerebral blood flow during pre-operative, peri-operative, and post-operative measures. Hence the possibilities for diagnostics can be significantly extended, and effects as reactions to medicinal and operational therapies can therefore be controlled and documented.
By means of optimized probe fixations, continuous bilateral long-term recordings, for example in the intensive care unit, during an operation, or in a stroke unit, can be conducted easily and without problems.
Constant industry advances and further developments as a result of evolving medical findings means monitoring today comprises additional valuable diagnosis tools, which go far beyond simple control monitoring: