The development and manufacture of DWL Transcranial Doppler Sonography (TCD) is the core competence of Compumedics Germany.

DWL USA, Inc., located in Cameron Park, California, with US wide local sales representation, provides DWL products, support and services to North American customers. Transcranial Doppler Sonography (TCD) has its unique performance in measuring and analyzing flow velocity in blood vessels and detecting cerebral micro emboli. In close cooperation with scholars and research institutes throughout the world, DWL has been perfecting diagnostic methods, developing new applications, and creating Doppler systems, which combine cutting edge performance with unmatched ease of use. With each new DWL system generation, the Doppler Sonography becomes more flexible and user-friendly, and its reports of diagnostic findings become more precise and meaningful.

The World of TCD Clinical Applications

Here you’ll find the latest articles on TCD applications, diagnostics, and treatment methods, all based on clinical research and publications.

  • Intracranial B Waves
    on 18. February 2025

    Intracranial B waves, detected using transcranial Doppler, show rhythmic fluctuations in cerebral blood flow and pressure, suggesting a role in cerebrospinal fluid movement and brain waste clearance. […]

  • Update Brain Death guidelines AAN
    on 28. May 2024

    Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography is a widely accessible and relatively easy bedside procedure. It is highly valuable in diagnosing BD/DNC, as it can detect oscillating flow or systolic spikes in […]

  • TCD Clinical Indications
    on 7. March 2024

    TCD provides noninvasive monitoring in diverse clinical situations, offering real-time physiological data without increasing patient risks or costs. Der Beitrag TCD Clinical Indications erschien […]

The appropriate
DWL software
for your needs

The broad range of clinical applications with the Transcranial Doppler Sonography

Whether in neurology, neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, anesthesia, emergency, and intensive care, as well as in ENT and OMF surgery, the range of applications of the DWL Doppler systems is today broader than ever.

Stroke management


Sickle-cell anemia diagnosis

Brain death diagnosis

PFO diagnosis

Vasospasm diagnosis

Cardiovascular surgery


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